Monday, October 26, 2009

Initiating Questions - Please respond to one or both of the following prompts:

  • "How are you or any of your colleagues using Web 2.0 technologies like wikis and/or blogs in the classroom?"
  • "What goals do you personally have for implementing a new Web 2.0 technology like a wiki or blog in your own classroom?"

1 comment:

  1. In our school, there has been a little dabbling in wikis and blogs. The challenge is to make the necessary technology available every day for every student in the class. With one computer lab and one mobile lab, there just aren't enough computers to go around.

    I can see wikis and blogs could be put to use in my classroom. In my HS Earth Science class, we just completed a project in which groups of students used GPS, digital cameras, scanners, and online references to make a powerpoint about a glacial feature in our area. This project would easily be put into the wiki format.

    My goal is to learn the new technology and then incorporate it into new curriculum for my classroom - we recently got our new state standards and we have textbook selection coming up soon. Ideally I would prefer to have a classroom set of laptops and much less paper work for my students.
    VK - Canby
